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  • Here at the salon, we have the highest quality of hair extensions available right now. We use top of the line dream catcher extensions and tape in. They use micro-cylinder technology so no glue, waxes, weaves or clips that are messy and can damage your hair.



  • Our hair consultants make sure the extensions match the client's hair and they process the average time for our first adjustment, which takes only 45-60 minutes and stays for 6-8 weeks later. After the second adjustment time, it takes only an hour, then the cylinders are replaced. which is a lot quicker than the other options which take anywhere from 5-8 hours and stays for 4-6 weeks later.


Hair Extentions

If you have any questions please submit the form below and we will have an answer for you! Or you can easily contact us by phone at (615)712-7774

Alluring Beauty Studio

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